The history of Azar locates in a time with hurries, dislocated as the current one, impregnated for new technologies, for the manipulation of the information, in a time monotorizado for the economic power, in that everything passes dizzily. Prominent figures stimulated by an engine replete with different emotions that is not other one that his own destiny. It will be the Azar recreated by this destiny what will make rethink the reality as a circle in which a beginning nor an end exists.
- Choreography & direction: Sonia Rodríguez
- Interpreters: Lorenza di Calogero, Gema Díaz, Cheika Mamadou y Sonia Rodríguez
- Creation and musical interpretation: Cheika Mamadou
- Producción musical: Álex García
- Lighting : Ana Rovira
- Photography: David Ruíz
- Escenography: Prisma S.L.
- Grafic Design: Javier Ruíz
- Duration: 50 minutos
- Supported by KRTU (Beca a la Jove Creativitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya) y UNIFRUTTI CANARIAS.
Dansa València Teatro Talia (Valencia, 2005).
Festival Niteroi Encontro com Espanha 06 (Rio de Janeiro y Niteroi, Brasil, 2006).
Ateneu9Barris (2006