Señales a Lala

Across the body and his memory three women invite to the reflection on the changes in the form of life in relation the generation of his grandmothers. Señales a Lala it is a trip transgeneracional that illuminates the experiences that the existence has printed in the body (pleasures, pains and signs like scars, wrinkles, tattooes, strias …) and it makes them visible across the contemporary dance. Sonia Rodríguez goes in search of the strength of the woman as imaginary that comes out of all the generations and social systems.

  • Choreography & direction: Sonia Rodríguez
  • Interpreters: Carmen Macías, Olga Lladó y Sonia Rodríguez
  • Photography: Carlos Collado
  • Lighting: Llorenç Parra
  • Duration: 50 min
  • Supported by L’Estruch Fàbrica de Creació (Sabadell).


L’Estruch Fàbrica de Creació (Sabadell, 2013)